Building d3 heat map legend efficiently?

Hi fCC forum! I got my heat map to pass all of the tests but visually am really struggling with the legend (+ haven’t seen other posts on the forum that deal with it)!

Firstly, I should note that I’m using colors gleaned from fCC’s demo and that i have them all in a “color” object that looks like this:

const colors = [
  "start": 11.7,
    "end": 12.8,
    "color": "d73027"
    "start": 10.6,
    "end": 11.7,
    "color": "F46D43"

It’s like this but for 9 colors. My initial instinct was to make a legend in the same way that I made the original thing, something like:"body")
.attr("id", "legend")
.attr("x", (d, i) => { i * legendBarWidth})
.attr("width", legendBarWidth)
.attr("height", legendBarHeight)
.attr("fill", (d,i) => {return colors[i]["color"]})

This, of course, doesn’t work because I’m trying to selectAll “rects” when I do that far earlier in the code. I guess I’m wondering how I might add rects with fills and the labels in some sort of automated fashion rather than doing it manually. The current way I’m doing it accomplishes nothing/doesn’t show real data but just passes the test."body")
       .attr("id", "title")
       .text("My Graph Title")
       .attr("id", "description")
       .text("This is my heatmap!")
       .attr("id", "legend")
       .attr("height", 10) 
       .attr("width", 10)
       .attr("fill", colors[0]["color"])
       .attr("height", 10) 
       .attr("width", 10)
       .attr("fill", colors[1]["color"])
       .attr("height", 10) 
       .attr("width", 10)
       .attr("fill", colors[2]["color"])       
       .attr("height", 10) 
       .attr("width", 10)
       .attr("fill", colors[3]["color"])

This is a stupid implementation that passes the test but doesn’t actually fulfill the spirit of it. Would love some feedback/suggestions/ways of looking more at this!

Hi @lucasgelfond, do you have a Codepen or something with your code so far? Something to play around with :slight_smile:

Sorry for the late response and thank you again! Nice to see a familiar face on the forum :slight_smile:
Here’s my codepen!

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