hello, i’m new member of that group and also new at c program language, can anyone help me to write that code in c compiler.
we must use struct.create your own topic, please, don’t hijack already existing topics
and can you help please??
not at all, sorry, but anyway
Firstly, welcome to the forums.
While we are primarily here to help people with their Free Code Camp progress, we are open to people on other paths, too.
With your current questions, we don’t have enough context to know what you already know or don’t know, so it is impossible to guide you without just telling you the answer (which we won’t do).
It is pretty typical on here for people to share a codepen / repl.it / jsfiddle example of what they have tried so that anyone helping has more of an idea of what help is actually helpful.
Please provide some example of what you’ve tried and I’m sure you’ll get more help.
Happy coding
and if you need to start with even more basic questions like how to share your code, that’s okay too
https://onlinegdb.com/HkoA65-TB it’s working but result isn’t correct :(((