Caesars Cipher - can't pass non-alphabetic character [SOLVED]

I almost done last challenge ‘Caesars Cipher’ in basic algorithms, but I am stuck on passing non-alphabetic character. My algorithm can decipher, but there is no spaces between words. Any suggestion, tips, what I’m doing wrong?
Here is my code:

function rot13(str) { // LBH QVQ VG!
  var decodeStr = "";
  for(var i = 0; i < str.length; i++){
    var singleChar = str.charCodeAt([i]); 
      if(singleChar >= 65 && singleChar <= 77){
         decodeStr+= String.fromCharCode(singleChar + 13);
      if (singleChar >= 78 && singleChar <= 90){
       decodeStr+= String.fromCharCode(singleChar - 13);
  return decodeStr;

// Change the inputs below to test
rot13("SERR YBIR?");

Your code adds a letter to your decodeStr variable if and only if its character code is within those values specified. What should it do otherwise? Where would you put that in your code?

thx! I get it :wink:

function rot13(str) { // LBH QVQ VG!
  var decodeStr = "";
  for(var i = 0; i < str.length; i++){
    var singleChar = str.charCodeAt([i]); 
     if(singleChar >= 65 && singleChar <= 77){
       decodeStr+= String.fromCharCode(singleChar + 13);
     if (singleChar >= 78 && singleChar <= 90){
       decodeStr+= String.fromCharCode(singleChar - 13);
     if (singleChar === 32){
        decodeStr+= " ";
     if (singleChar === 33){
        decodeStr+= "!";
     if (singleChar === 46){
        decodeStr+= ".";
     if (singleChar === 63){
        decodeStr+= "?";
  return decodeStr;

// Change the inputs below to test
rot13("SERR CVMMN!");

I need to refactoring it, but I’ll do it tomorrow. Thx again

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