Can I get a job by completing FCC?

I am wondering if I can get a job after completing the required material on here.
If so, what do I need to complete?

Please read the FAQ section here for an answer

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And what is the recommended path I should take to become a software developer or web developer?

This is a very general question. There are many ways depending on your interest, your personal ability, your circumstance in life and many other factors.

For now, you can start by clicking on the link above to the fCC curriculum page and learn the topics associated with New Responsive Web Design as a way to begin if you are brand new to the subject.

Maybe this is an unpopular thing to say, but completing the fCC curriculum probably isn’t going to get you a job - at least not by itself. Recruiters and HR people generally don’t care about fCC’s certificates, and the projects you complete along the way aren’t really impressive enough to put on a portfolio. And fCC doesn’t have any career services department to hook you up with interviews.

fCC is more of a learning platform. It’ll help you get many of the skills you need to become a developer, but you’ll probably need to do a whole lot more.

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I think it’s worth a shot. I’ll see how far I’ll get and ask more questions later. Thanks for the help.

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