Can you help me?

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I did exactly what I have watched on the video, but it doesn’t work
Your code so far

var myStr = "I am a \" double quoted \" string inside \" double quotes\""; // Change this line

var myStr = "I am a \" double quoted \" string inside \" double quotes\""; // Change this line

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Challenge: Escaping Literal Quotes in Strings

Link to the challenge:

Compare the string you are supposed to create with the string actually created. You’ll notice a couple of wrong characters.

can you show me the difference please. I can’t see anything :frowning:

This is what you are outputting:

I am a " double quoted " string inside " double quotes"

This is what is required:

I am a "double quoted" string inside "double quotes".

Can you see the differences?


I deleted 3 characters from this and added 1. With that, your code passes for me.

:open_mouth: do you mean the differences are spaces?

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