Having a hard getting pass this

Tell us what’s happening:

I have watched the video and coded it to the best of my ability I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong can someone help, please?
This my first time posting so I really don’t think I post my question right

Your code so far

var myStr = "I am a\"double quoted\" string inside\"double quotes\"."; 

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Challenge: Escaping Literal Quotes in Strings

Link to the challenge:

Hi and welcome to the forum.

I am a"double quoted" string inside"double quotes".

Your output looks like it has too few spaces between words. A couple of your words run together.

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Tell us what’s happening:

Your code so far

thanks for replying back I did it the way you told me and how the video showed me still not letting me go forward really don't understand what I'm doing wrong

var myStr = "I am a \"double quoted\" string inside   \"double quotes\".";

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User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/85.0.4183.121 Safari/537.36.

Challenge: Escaping Literal Quotes in Strings

Link to the challenge:

Tell us what’s happening:

Your code so far

thanks for replying back I did it the way you told me and how the video showed me still not letting me go forward really don't understand what I'm doing wrong

var myStr = "I am a \"double quoted\" string inside   \"double quotes\".";

Your browser information:

User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/85.0.4183.121 Safari/537.36.

Challenge: Escaping Literal Quotes in Strings

Link to the challenge:

I have combined your threads. Please do not create multiple forum threads for the same topic.

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You have added too many spaces in this case.

Doesn’t the output look a little bit off to you when you look at it?

Tell us what’s happening:*
I keep getting the error below my var myStr does include this string, I have taken out spaces and formatted it the best way I can and it still won’t let me move forward :

Variable myStr should contain the string: I am a "double quoted" string inside "double quotes".

What is your current code? Did you take out the single duplicate space in the last version of your code?

I think you might be not fully understanding the exercise.

You need to make a variable that contains the string I am a "double quoted" string inside "double quotes".

However, this string contains quote characters that must be escaped.

I would literally copy-paste the target string into your quotes for myStr and then add the backslashes in the appropriate places to escape the quotes inside the string.

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var myStr = "I am a \"double quoted\" string inside \"double quotes\".";


this exactly how I’m doing it the way the video showed me. I thought I use the variable that’s already there that says code on this line and just add the (I am a “double quoted” string inside “double quotes”.) I added the string to (var myStr
) and it keeps telling me to add the string to that variable when I already did that that’s why I’m confused. it keeps asking me to do what I already did

I’m getting a checkmark for getting this part right (You should use two double quotes ( " ) and four escaped double quotes ( \" ).

but I’m getting an X for this (Variable myStr should contain the string: I am a "double quoted" string inside "double quotes".) from what I’m understanding I already added the string or do I not use they variable already there and create my own. I formatted it how you told me and still not working. I tried to copy and paste but on the left side where the code run it doesn’t give us the option to paste. Sorry I’m not trying to be difficult I’m just trying to figure what I’m doing wrong because from my understanding I’m doing what it’s asking including the string to that variable and I did that.

This exact code passes all parts of the challenge for me.

thanks… i was going crazy but it still wont let me move forward when i click (run test) to go to the next step is there a tech support on here?

I’d try refreshing your page. If that doesn’t work, I’d clear your cache, log back in, paste your solution above in again, and submit again.

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