Catphotoapp step15

i would love if you could help me!

     <h2>Cat Photos</h2>
     <!-- TODO: Add link to cat photos -->
     <p>Click here to view more <a target="_blank" href="">cat photos</a>.</p>
<a href="">  
<img src="" alt="A cute orange cat lying on its back."</a>

you have the same issue as the other person. You have removed the > bracket at the end of the img tag.
I am going to split everyone’s post into separate threads as this is not how the forum is meant to work. (Everyone should open their own request for help in future)

after adding a > nothing changed my hint is “you should only add one opening anchor (a ) tag. Please remove any extras.” but i have only added one anchor and thats to add the link

please post the updated code here and I will take a look

ive only added a > so nothings really changed sorry im really new to this

     <h2>Cat Photos</h2>
     <!-- TODO: Add link to cat photos -->
     <p>Click here to view more <a target="_blank" href="">cat photos</a>.</p>
<a href="">  
<img src="">
<alt="A cute orange cat lying on its back."</a>

the < you have before the alt is not supposed to be there.
also the > after the .jgp" is not supposed to be there either
to fix remove it then add a

to the end of the img line (but before the closing anchor tag)

basically the img tag is only supposed to have one < and one > at the end
<img src="..." alt="...">

but then arent i just back to this

    <h2>Cat Photos</h2>
    <!-- TODO: Add link to cat photos -->
    <p>Click here to view more <a target="_blank" href="">cat photos</a>.</p>
<a href="">  
<img src="" alt="A cute orange cat lying on its back.">
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yes , but you’ve erased the closing tag of the anchor element.
add it back to the right of the img or on a new line below the img

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cant believe thats what i was missing this whole time LMAOO thank you!!

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