Celestial Bodies Database - Build a Celestial Bodies Database

Tell us what’s happening:

Hi. I’ve completed the project build-a-celestial-bodies-database, copied the generated universe.sql to a public repository in my github account. And I am logged to freeCodeCamp. However, when I paste the repository url in the solution link field, and submit my solution, I get an error message “You must complete the project first”. None of the solutions I’ve read in this forum have worked so far.
I really need help.

###Your project link(s)

solution: GitHub - guillaumeS-git/Celestial-Bodies-Database-freeCodeCamp

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User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

Challenge Information:

Celestial Bodies Database - Build a Celestial Bodies Database

try reloading the page on freecodecamp

alternatively, create a new workspace, upload there your file and recreate the database, then run the tests again, then go to freeCodeCamp page and reload, you should be able to submit the link

Hi ILM. It worked! Actually I had to do both:
1- Create a new workspace, recreate the database from the uploaded universe.sql file, run the tests again, generate a new universe.sql dump file, and download it in my github repository.
2- Refresh the freeCodeCamp page, paste the url.
And it worked! Thanks a lot for your precious help.

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