Certificate not available

I recently completed all the challenges necessary for the front end development certificate. But I can’t view the certificate . Completed challenges also do not appear in my portfolio though they are marked as completed in my map. This happened after i was asked to link my github for the certificate.

This is a known issue. You can view the issue here. I believe @QuincyLarson will have to review your work and grant the certificate manually.

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But my challenges suddenly disappeared from the portfolio though they remain in the map.

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It’s a known issue, please email team@freecodecamp.org and our team will review and fix the issue.

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I got an auto-generated reply asking me to post my technical questions in this forum. Please look into the matter. My current account may have been merged with my old account when I linked it to github.
Username: varalac32@gmail.com

I’m checking the email now :slight_smile: