Choosing a web host

I have seen so many web hosting services and I honestly find quite hard to choose one. I need to host a small website and reviews online always suggest different services so I would really appreciate if someone could give me an advice on a cheap and reliable solution. I was thinking about Hostgator, what is your opinion?

Thank you


How big is the site? How much traffic do you expect?

The website is going to be a small service startup with just a couple of pages and low traffic.

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Static or dynamic?

Static: look into
Dynamic: look into Heroku

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If you are doing a small services startup with only a few pages, I use Amazon’s free tier right now for my running club’s website -

You can host an instance of WordPress, Jekyll or Nodejs on there and hook up Amazon Simple Email Service to your domain.

Boom - free web hosting, transactional email, and email marketing within some limits.

I haven’t tried it, but, Amazon’s workmail looks super cheap and promising.

The pricing is more complex than Google Cloud’s or Heroku’s or’s, but, I think it is perfect for starting a small agency, web service, or consulting type business.

Because the cost is real low and you don’t have to go out to a ton of 3rd parties for your email, document hosting, email marketing, payment process etc etc etc.

Hi all,

I think this information can be useful for you. If you plan to get your website, here is one good free web hosting provider to choose -

They provide hosting absolutely free, there is no catch. You get 1500 MB of disk space and 100 GB bandwidth. They also have cPanel control panel which is amazing and easy to use website builder. Moreover, there is no any kind of advertising on your pages.

You can register here:

there is a small bit of advertising with 000webhost, they tag the bottom right corner with their brand if you use the free tier, and you don’t get https with free either,

All in all, very happy with it for a free service and the $1 a year I paid for a domain name.

Github pages in my opinion is the simplest way to host your page.

I recommend you to compare hosting services plans, reviews and select the best one.

100% Uptime
24*7 support
Full Root access
low price
Fast loading
Unlimited bandwidth

As there are many hosting providers in the market you can select best at a low price.