[COLLATION]: CodeAlly Status

Please see the attached image. I’m currently taking the second path or lesson in Relational Database but the editor is not loading it just gives me a blank state. I already tried clearing my cache, switching different search engines, toggle on/off third party cookies and do the soft reset but still not working. Hope someone can help me, Thank you!

Hi, can someone help me?

Did you get the solution? I am experiencing the same issue.

hi, have you fixed the problem? because im having the same issue.

Not yet. I am still having the same issue.

I’m having it too. I think it might be a bug on the CodeRoad / CodeAlly side.

@moT01 any idea what might be going on? Thanks.

I have been having this issue as well for the past several days. I have tried clearing cache, cookies, enabling ads and cookies specifically for free code camp, trying various browsers, tried a different computer as well… I did a soft reset. Nothing has cleared it up yet. Maybe unrelated, prior to this I was having issues with the editor showing “read only file system”. I restarted the project, and it worked for like 10 mins, then stopped. I am in the “learn bash by building 5 programs” module.

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I have tried everything, even deleting the container on code ally.
And I am still stuck on this not loading.


I am experiencing the same issue. same, on a project in the bash learning module. Tried also with 2 different browsers, deleted the cookies/history & soft reset on codeally.


Tell us what’s happening:
Describe your issue in detail here.

Can’t launch any training courses that use CodeAlly. They all result in a black screen or stuck at loading VM. If it makes it passed the loading VM part, I get a black screen with Project Options in one corner and Preview in the other. Clicking Preview will bring up the port selection screen and selecting Editor takes me back to the black screen.

I was able to clear the Boiler Plate last week but haven’t been able to progress the course because of this black screen/starting VM issue. I’ve rebooted, cleared cache, tried alternate computers, alternate browsers…etc.

Your code so far

Your browser information:

User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

Challenge: Learn Relational Databases by Building a Mario Database - Build a Mario Database

Link to the challenge:

Same here, I’m trying to access “Learn Bash Scripting by Building Five Programs” and the only thing I see is this black screen.

Same here with ‘Learn Bash Scripting by Building Five Programs’.

I’ve been trying on Chrome and Edge, enabling and disabling all cookies several (also deleting site data and trying again). All ad blockers disabled for FCC. Not happy with the codeally auth process.

Would really appreciate the help :slight_smile:

Chrome: Versión 112.0.5615.138 (Build oficial) (64 bits)
Brave: Version 1.50.121 Chromium: 112.0.5615.138 (Official Build) (64-bit) (Brave Release Notes | Brave Browser)

Same here, I’ve tried to delete the container from CodeAlly dashboard and restart the course, but still only get a black screen…

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same problem here, black screen and i can’t start this course

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Hi, I had the same problem with “build a student databasepart1”

I don’t have the black screen but still unable to continue with the course.

I’ve also tried on Edge and Firefox… similar problems :frowning:

I think this post is a cover-all for related issues about CodeAlly access [COLLATION]: CodeAlly Status

Hey everyone :wave: Sorry for the troubles with these courses. Thank you for reporting the problems and for your patience while we work to resolve them.

The main problem has been resolved and you should be able to start new projects again. Some existing projects may not work at the moment, but we are hopeful to have those restored soon. So you can leave those if you want and wait until then, or start them from scratch if you don’t want to wait.

If you are experiencing any issues loading new containers, please let us know.

Thanks and happy coding :tada: