Could I have your feedback on Project 2?

Hello! I finished Project 2 a couple of days ago, and I’d like to get feedback from experienced web developers or UX/UI designers (since I’m focusing on both). Any input is highly appreciated.
I was curious to use fullpage.js because I thought it was a good idea for telling stories. I watched some tutorial and I could grasp a bit of what was going on.

Let me know if you have any advice for my project.

Thank you so much!

Project 2:

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Hi, Onlyadolfo. It looks great. I like the colors shifts a bit as I read. The bottom page is probably the only one that stuck out, with the blue text on the blue background.

Also I think you need to add a bit more about Chris Do in there.


I liked the overall design. As Jim said I think the blue on blue was tough to read since it was on my second screen and had a bit of an angle. I suggest you consider different colors or hues or some outline on the text if you are set on using it. However, I like the design it looked great!


Hello, @jim03!
Thanks a lot for your time. I’m not sure why it’s displayed like that, a little cliché but in my end was white :rofl: also, the text moved because I set it be a little left so it didn’t cover Chris’ face.
I’ll see what’s happening. Thanks a lot!

Hello, @AGRico27!
You’re right about the colours. I’m not sure why it displayed it as blue, in my end it was white (and it’s still white). I’ll fix that.
Thank you so much for your time!

I’m a noobie at coding so my feedback is probably not worth too much. I think it looks great though. Much better than any of the project I have managed to make. It actually looks quite professional to my amateur eyes.