Create a tribute page with corresponding id="main" which contains all other elements

create a tribute page with corresponding id=“main” which contains all other elements

What is your question? What have you tried? What does your code look like?

My tribute page should have an element with a corresponding id="main" , which contains all other elements.

Ok. That’s not a question so I’m not sure what you want help with.

What have you tried? What does your code look like?

I want to say that, I have been given the project on FreeCodeCamp , in which first task was given to me was to " create a tribute page which should have an element with a corresponding id="main" , which contains all other elements."

so can anymone please help me with some clue.

Ok. Have you written any code towards this goal yet? Have you completed the Free Code Camp challenges involving main elements and id attributes?

yes and i had made the start , initially by creating the main id and now I am stuck, so can you please help me to proceed further.

Well, what does your code look like?

what does my code look like ? means !!!

I can’t get it what you wanted to say?

Where are you working on the code?

Are you using CodePen? If so, provide us a link so we can view your actual code. Seeing your code is essential for us to be able to point you in the correct direction.

You have typed some html code somewhere in your efforts to attempt to work on that code. Please provide a link to the CodePen that has your code or copy and paste your code into the forum.

We cannot do anything at all to help if you don’t show us what you have so far.

ok I am sending you the link

This is the link which I was given and when i clicked on CodePenpen. The new tab got opened on my screen.
You can build your project by forking this CodePen pen. Or you can use this CDN link to run the tests in any environment you like: .

Is it ok now , or shall I have to send more details about this

Is anyone there to reply to my problem ??

Did you fork this CodePen pen? That looks like a link to the template provided by Free Code Camp.

If you’re using CodePen, you want to make sure you are logged in. If you do not have an account, create one.

Then, go to the FCC Test Pen. Down in the bottom right, click “Fork”.

This will create a new pen that is yours, where you can edit and save your code. Make sure you save your progress - the save button will only be available if you are logged in and editing your own pen.

Once you’ve got your code to a point where you want us to take a look, you can share the link to your pen:

Your link should have your username in it, not FreeCodeCamp.

I hope this helps! :slight_smile:

ok I am sending my link please take a look at this