Css drawing using simple animation

I think making css art is a very good way to practice and use so much properties so it makes your css skill great.

This is my last project i would love to hear your feedback: https://codepen.io/kholodhdad/full/QWqaeyp

and i think i should now dive into JavaScript so wish me luck .


It looks amazing :clap: Great luck on your JavaScript journey.

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do you give CSS lessons ? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
You’ll nail JS im sure

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Nice! Good luck!
Your project is good as a Christmas greeting card! But for a greeting card you should also text…

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hahah this is very nice thank you so much :heartpulse:

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thank you , reading your reply made me think about using the hover selector and make the card flip and voila there is the text :"D

thank you for your useful feedback.


Woow, is very good!! Congrats!

I was looking for some videos teachings how to draw with CSS, if you have any recommendations!

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