Pure CSS drawing, Merry Christmas!

Hi there,
Merry Christmas to you all and happy holidays.
Let me know what you think: Christmas gift


Thats really impressive! I dont think I will ever be comfortable enough with CSS to do something like that

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thank you so much ,it means alot to me :pleading_face:

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thats impressive :slight_smile: !

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thank you, I appreciate your reply. :heartpulse:

Wow, it looks great!

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Just curious, how long did this take you to make?

Hi @kholodelhdad !

Welcome to the forum!

That’s awesome!
Congrats! :grinning:

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I love it, excellent work :v:t2:

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thank you :grinning: :heartpulse:

the whole day i guess :'D

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Your Reply means a lot to me thank you.

Just one day? I feel like that would take me a couple days. Looks like I got some work to do

This is awesome! This would take me aaages if i could do it at all!

Edit: I just looked at your other pens, you are good at this! designer?

It looks amazing.
and you made it with CSS!
I’m still struggling to get the basic positioning right. :cry:
how did you get started on CSS drawings, or got good at arranging elements in general proficiently, if I may ask? any pointers?
Anyways, awesome work! All the best wishes for your journey forward. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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