D3 Bar Chart Project rect error

Hi coders. I’ve been redoing exercises, checking code, looking and searching to no avail. I’m unable to get code pen recognition of my rect element with bar class.
Here is my codepen

I have bars on my chart. The number of bars equals the data points. The rect element has a class of bar.
Yet, test results say not.
“My Chart should have a element for each data point with a corresponding class=“bar” displaying the data. The number of bars is not equal to the number of data points : expected 14 to equal 275”

I would appreciate any pointers. Thanks.


Don’t think you can use data other than provided (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/freeCodeCamp/ProjectReferenceData/master/GDP-data.json) for this challenge

Ok Thanks. I missed that criteria in reading the challenge. Thanks!

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