Data Analysis with Python - Data Analysis Exercise 1

Tell us what’s happening:

Which country has the most sales Quantity Sales?
I am not sure if I have miss understood the question, but the given answer will just count how many times each country appeared in the country column, it returns the maximum as United States with value of 39206, I think it is not the right answer. I have different approach, I have grouped the data by the country column and returned the sum of the revenues then sorted the values as a descending order. Am I wrong.

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Data Analysis with Python - Data Analysis Example A

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<p> Hi there </p>

Question: Which country has the most sales (quantity of sales)?
Here is the code of my approach.

// most_sales_country = sales.groupby('Country')['Revenue'].sum()
// most_sales_country = most_sales_country.sort_values(ascending= False)
// most_sales_country.head(1)

If you might have not seen the given answer, here is it too.

// sales['Country'].value_counts().head(1)

If I sell 5 items that are $10 each:
I’ve sold a total quantity of 5 sales
I have a total revenue of $50

If I sell 2 items that are $100 each:
I’ve sold a total quantity of 2 sales
I have a total revenue of $200

You are returning the country with the highest revenue.

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Okay, I got it thank you so much

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