Data Visualization Projects - Visualize Data with a Heat Map

In the first three challenges of data visualisation, the url to fetch data isn’t working. I also checked the link provided by FreecodeCamp, which describes how our project should look, but it also doesn’t load anything. I have completed all the challenges I wanted to claim for my certificate but can’t because of this issue. Please fix it.

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Challenge: Data Visualization Projects - Visualize Data with a Heat Map

Link to the challenge:

This is the link given for the raw data for the heat map project:

It works fine for me. What happens when you visit that link?

This is what I get when I visit the example project link too:

All seems to be working fine… what happens when you visit that link?

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I used vpn and it works now, but without vpn for some reason it doesn’t load. Thanks for replying, though it is appreciated.

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