Data-yvalue of a dot is below the range of the actual minutes data

Tell us what’s happening:
The data-xvalue and data-yvalue of each dot should be within the range of the actual data and in the correct data format. For data-xvalue, integers (full years) or Date objects are acceptable for test evaluation. For data-yvalue (minutes), use Date objects.
The minutes data-yvalue of a dot is below the range of the actual
minutes data : expected 6 to be at least 36
AssertionError: The minutes data-yvalue of a dot is below the range of the actual
minutes data : expected 6 to be at least 36
I couldnt pass user story 6 and 12 in Visualize Data with a Scatterplot Graph.
I have no idea why my yaxis values are 30 mins less than expected.Any help would be appreciated.Below is my solution link. where I have tried to convert milliseconds to data format and tried timeFormat with D3.js.Thanks in advance.

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Challenge: Visualize Data with a Scatterplot Graph

Link to the challenge:

Welcome to the forums @Anjana.

You need to post a link to the project somewhere on the internet (codepen is good for D3) projects) so we can access it. You’ve posted a link to your local computer.

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