Did someone(online now) land a job following only fCC curriculum?

I was wondering if there is someone from the people online now on freeCodeCamp forum, that didn’t have a degree in CS, and landed a job following only the fCC curriculum, if there is, can you share your experience :blush:

No one will every land a job with only the FCC curriculum. Many people have gotten jobs after learning based around the FCC curriculum. But you’re going to have to do outside research, seek out some instructional videos, read some blog posts, read some documentation. Maybe you’ll have a subject that is especially difficult for you so you will supplement FCC with something else for that. And after you’re done with the FCC curriculum, you’ll need to seek out other stuff to continue your learning.

But yes, it is possible. I had been an engineering major years ago, a few programming classes, a tiny bit of coding experience (in C). I ended up abandoning that degree, studying music, eventually getting a masters, working as a musician for decades. I got tired of no money so I started FCC and with a lot of hard work, I got a job in less than 2 years. #ymmv Is that typical? I don’t know. But there are people that do it. Are there jobs that you can’t get without a CS degree? Sure. But you don’t need to get every job, just one.


Thank you very much for your kind comment :blush:

I also want to add that you will have to build projects that are more complex than the certification projects.

The certification projects are great when you have just learned the basic concepts. But in order to stand out from the crowd of applicants for entry level jobs, building something that is not a class project would be better.


You, to increase your odds, you need to keep learning and keep building after FCC. FCC laid a good foundation, but it was the projects that I did after and what I learned from them that got me noticed.

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