/* cant seem to get the image to center on top of the two other elements. Any help would be most appreciated*/
I can achieve it by setting margin measurements at pixels the problem comes in when setting it to auto.
I want it to stay centered regardless of window size
Well, there are a few things going on. First, an image is an inline element (rather than a block-level one). Things like divs, or tables, or articles – these are block-level. Their usual behavior is to display as a chunk, pushing the following bits around. Things like span tags, or anchors, are usually inline. As are images.
You CAN use an image as you have, simply by adding the CSS rule:
display: block
to it.
Also, it might help to put both the image and the two divs into a container of some sort, set THAT to absolute positioning, and set the image and two contained divs to relative.