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I’m not understanding this challenge. Your code so far
function add(x) {
// Only change code below this line
var y = x + x;
var z = x + y;
var partialFn = x.bind(this, y, z);
return partialFn;
// Only change code above this line
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Challenge: Introduction to Currying and Partial Application
Yeah, currying is weird. There are different ways to think about it, but here you can think of it that instead of having 1 function that takes 2 parameters, they make two functions that each take one parameter - the first function takes 1 parameter each and the first function returns the second function.
const unCurried = (x, y) => x + y;
console.log(unCurried(1, 2));
// 3
// ***
const curried = x =>
y => x + y;
// 3
// ***
function curried2(x) {
return function(y) {
return x + y;
// 3
// ***
const returnedFunction = curried(1);
const answer = returnedFunction(2);
// 3
The first example is of course a “normal” function, one function taking one parameter.
The second example is of course a curried function. Notice that there are two functions - the first returning the second. The second returned function is y => x + y; and it is returned by the first half, x =>. So, f(x, y) becomes f(x)(y). f(x) returns a function that gets executed by the (y).
The third example is the same as the second but written out with standard JS functions.
The last shows that you can run those functions separately. I can run the first one that returns a function and I can execute it later. It may not be clear now, but that does come in handy.
The challenge asks for 3 function. I don’t know how to make the third one.
This is what I tried
// Only change code below this line
function(y) {
return x += y;
return function(z) {
return x + z
// Only change code above this line
Tested your second example, and succeeded:
function add(x) {
// Only change code below this line
var add = y =>
z => y + z + x;
return add;
// Only change code above this line
Right, it has three parameters so instead of a function returning a function (in my example) it will be a function returning a function returning a function (like in your last example). Good job.
But yeah, they’re confusing and it won’t really sink in until you use it a few times. And to be honest, it doesn’t get used a lot. But when it does come in handy, it can be an awesome tool.