¿Do you recommend VIM for JavaScript Development?

Currently, I use Visual Studio Code for HTML, CSS and JavaScript development but I see some videos on Youtube where the programmers use VIM for his tutorials. It’s a good idea move to VIM?


You can use whatever text editor / IDE you desire. Vim is kinda weird to me at least, I use the atom text editor, it has a nice design and meets all of my day to day needs. If you like Visual Studio use it, if you like Vim use it, if you like Atom use it, there’s a lot of great software out there to help you code and so much choice. IT’s up to you :slight_smile:


@hectoraldairah I tried vim. It’s really weird for any long development. And essentially vim should be used when there’s no GUI available such as in SSH sessions. Visual Studio Code is brilliant editor than Vim. I personally use VS code and Sublime both.


I use VSCode with the vim plugin. I tried it out of curiosity, then it stuck with me (after quite some time of course; can’t say I’m a vim wizard though).

You can always give vim a shot and try to learn it one step at a time; you’ll find plenty of tutorials on the subject. But really, use whichever editor you’re comfortable with.


Real programmers use ISPF.

+1 for Atom. Brackets is also a really good one from Adobe.

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Go with Atom, Sublime, or Webstorm.

Why not setup SSH (SFTP) as a mounted file system? Then you can use whatever tools you want :slight_smile:

Why not setup SSH (SFTP) as a mounted file system? Then you can use whatever tools you want :slight_smile:

I was using Atom for a while. I really liked it, but at work I have a managed machine and something about the updater Atom uses made it unable to install updates. Every time an update was available, I had to delete Atom and re-install it. I’ve had to do so with other programs, but Atom updates sort of frequently, so it became kind of a headache.

I recently switched to Brackets and am loving it so far. It seems to be faster than Atom (which can take a while to load) and has some great plugins.

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Yes that’s a way too.:grinning:

Just seem a bit better than trying to use command line editor - if you are out of options though - just use nano it’s very simple and easier to use in my opinion.

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What OS are you on? Did you ask for help on Atom’s support forums? They might be able to help debug your issue.

I’m on a Mac, OS version 10.12.5. I found a lot of people with the same issue on the Atom support forums. Atom responded to a post on this that they’re trying to look into the issue, but are having trouble. They said, “This issue is prioritized and in our backlog, but it’s very hard to fix something if we can’t get a solid repro. If someone is willing to discuss this on https://atomio.slack.com feel free to pm.”

So, to their credit, the folks at Atom are trying to fix the issue and are being really nice about it (even in the face of some super disgruntled posters). If they can fix the issue I might consider trying Atom again. The writing experience was really nice and there are some great themes and plugins available.

However, I’m really, really liking Brackets so far. I have plugins that allow me to preview colors and gradients within the code editor, preview images, syntax hints and shortcuts, and it’s Live Preview feature is really nice. I’ve only been using it for about two weeks, but I’m pretty smitten so far.

I only have experience with Sublime text (free version) , if you don’t mind that once in a while the “suscribe” will pop-up then it’s ok.
I like it so far :slight_smile:


You should use whatever editor you are most comfortable with, unless there is some overriding reason to switch in a specific situation.

For example, my editor of choice is gvim (a windowed version of vim, which itself is a much nicer vi clone). I use this because it’s the editor I’ve become the most practiced with. That being said, if I need to do Windows GUI development, I use Visual Studio, because it’s the right tool for the job. I also develop code for Xilinx Zynq processors, in which case I’m using their customized IDE based off of Eclipse, because it’s the correct tool for the job. And so on.

In your case, if you are comfortable using Visual Studio Code, keep using it and learn it the best you can. There is a really good book called “The Pragmatic Programmer” that advocates:

Use a Single Editor Well
The editor should be an extension of your hand; make sure your editor is configurable, extensible, and programmable.


(…Well I know it’s on old topic but… I’ve been here before checking what people said and now I’m back to give my own personal story.…)

I’ve used Sublime Text for a while, then Atom most of the time, and tried VS Code for some weeks (after seeing all the hype everywhere about it).

- My thoughts on Sublime/Atom/VSCode -

All code editors mentioned before are very good, and almost the same where it comes to features and usability…but…

They’re pretty much the same too when you talk about performance!
And sometimes their performances can irritates you!
Try to work on a large codebase, or multiple files opened, linters enabled… Sometimes it can takes like 15 seconds only to open a file (on a pretty decent and new machine/hardware).

- That’s why I decided to Learn VIM! -

Well… there’s nothing to say about VIM performance!! It’s waaaay faster than those editors mentioned before! And you can bet on it… turn on a bunch of plugins and open a bunch of large codebases simultaneously, and you’ll see no lazyness at all!

The reason that intimidates people to learn VIM is just the best part that I’m enjoying on the way.

We’re all here learning, we’re all affictionated in optimizing stuff, create stuff to improve other people’s lifes.
So why not investing a little bit of time to master a tool that will optimize your workflow A LOT and increase your productivity?

Well it’d be so boring if there was nothing to learn, if there was no statusline for you to give the personal touch, no .vimrc to set up every month after you discovering another cool feature, if there was no scripts to learn and build your own features or plugins…

If you feel like giving it a shot, there are many free online resources helping you to learn VIM but the first step to try it out, is to open your console and type the command vimtutor.
Take 30/60 minutes to follow along the exercices and I’m pretty sure you’ll finish it very excited to learn more!

There is a very nice book too that promise you’ll master vim “…from WTF to OMG in no time…” , it’s called Mastering Vim Quickly , and they offer some chapters and a newsletter for free. Even the free stuff will be fairly enough for you to learn many nice features.

After these months using VIM I’ve got so excited more and more, and then I decided to start writing VIM quick tips and tutorials to help VIM newbies.

…the link is:

… and there’s actually 2 posts related to setting up JavaScript features

:v: I Hope I’ve helped! Happy coding folks! :v: