Hi there, I have almost completed the Drum Machine project as part of the FreeCodeCamp Front End Libraries certification, however I keep getting a test failure in the Test Suite and I’m not sure why.
The failure I keep getting is test 6:
" When I press the trigger key associated with each .drum-pad, the audio clip contained in its child <audio> element should be triggered (e.g. pressing the Q key should trigger the drum pad which contains the string “Q”, pressing the W key should trigger the drum pad which contains the string “W”, etc.)."
However when I am using the app myself, everything works fine. I can press the buttons using the keyboard or the mouse and I get the desired sound effect.
Have I made a mistake somewhere or is the Test Suite not working correctly?
Thanks for any help/critique!
Link to my project: https://codepen.io/brodiegriggs/pen/BarGJXN