Empty value for adding 2 variables

    <input id="num1" type="text">
    <input id="num2" type="text">
    <button  id="add"> add us</button>
        var x = document.getElementById("num1").value
        var y = document.getElementById("num2").value
        var total = x + y
 document.getElementById ("add").onclick = function ()
alert (total)

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I wrote this code but no output

thanks @ilenia

you are getting x and y at load of page, you need instead to get those values when the button is pressed

    <input id="num1" type="text">
    <input id="num2" type="text">
    <button  id="add"> add us</button>
 document.getElementById ("add").onclick = function ()
      var x = parseFloat(document.getElementById("num1").value) 
        var y = parseFloat(document.getElementById("num2").value) 
        var total = x + y
alert (total)

Thanks a lot, it’s working now :slight_smile:

awesome! good job!

happy coding

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