ES6: Getter/Setter challenge

Ive been working this challenge for the better part of an hour, its time i ask for help or how people approached the solution…

What have you tried? What isn’t working as you expect?

Well ive been very confused for a long time now, but after taking a break i tried again with this code

How can i get the test case Instantiated to pass?

sorry im back, i think this is what i had in the screenshot

/* Alter code below this line */
class Thermostat{
        this._fahrenheit = fahrenheit;
    get temperature(){
        this._fahrenheit = fahrenheit * 9.0 / 5 + 32;
    set temperature(celsius){
        //this._fahrenheit = console.log("trying to get celsius");
      this._fahrenheit = 5/9 * (celsius-32)
/* Alter code above this line */

const thermos = new Thermostat(32); // setting in Fahrenheit scale

//let temp = thermos.temperature; // 24.44 in C
//thermos.temperature = 26;
//temp = thermos.temperature; // 26 in C