Tell us what’s happening:
Code is working perfectly but passing only four tests:
I can provide my own project, not the example url.
I can create a user by posting form data username to /api/exercise/new-user and returned will be an object with username and _id .
I can get an array of all users by getting api/exercise/users with the same info as when creating a user.
I can retrieve a full exercise log of any user by getting /api/exercise/log with a parameter of userId(_id). App will return the user object with added array log and count (total exercise count).
cant get it to pass:
I can add an exercise to any user by posting form data userId(_id), description, duration, and optionally date to /api/exercise/add. If no date supplied it will use current date. App will return the user object with the exercise fields added.
I can retrieve part of the log of any user by also passing along optional parameters of from & to or limit. (Date format yyyy-mm-dd, limit = int)
Your code so far
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My code has Passed all the tests except the 2nd one. Though I don’t see any problem, it works exactly what is in the test. Here is the test…
I can add an exercise to any user by posting form data userId(_id), description, duration, and optionally date to /api/exercise/add. If no date supplied it will use current date. App will return the user object with the exercise fields added.
But my /api/exercise/add works properly. it returns an object which contains the newly added exercise data like this… {"username":"Nalaa","description":"dgds","duration":"56","_id":"iTSku_Y6Q","date":"Sat Apr 04 2020"}
Here is the link-
My Code was returning the duration key as a string, I used parseInt() to make it an int number.
I hadn’t set the condition if date returns undefined
My advise to the people who are having problems in this project, YOU SHOULD MAKE A GREAT USE OF console.log(), you can also check what fcc is testing through console.log().