FCC Markdown Previewer Project help

Hi campers! I’m building my second Front End Libraries and Frameworks Certificate
Markdown Previewer

Everything was fine until I added the code for the markdown previewer to change the input(text) into the markdown. When I added the markdown previewer code, the page became blank and displayed only the background color.

Please help. I’m not sure what I’m missing. I’ve been stuck here for several hours.

  1. Look in the console

TypeError: marked is not a function

If you look at the markedjs docs you can see it is using a method on marked call parse().

  1. The next error is from React if you click the link it takes you to this page. See if you can understand the error message and correct it. Hint: you can’t have a child element inside the div with dangerouslySetInnerHTML
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@lasjorg Thank you so much for your help.

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