What’s happening:
I’m supposed to “Build a full stack JavaScript app that is functionally similar to this: https://nonstop-pond.glitch.me/” but that project isn’t running anymore so I have no idea what it’s supposed to look like. There’s more than one way to solve this problem but there’s only one way to pass the tests on FCC. Would love to know what they’re looking for.
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When I completed the projects, I did not look at the example projects at all. The user stories are specific enough (granted the Exercise Tracker one needs some work, but the example project cannot help you with that anyway).
I would not worry about not having the example project to work off of.
I would like to know what structure they would like the data in. One test says, “I can add an exercise to any user by posting form data userId(_id), description, duration, and optionally date to /api/exercise/add. If no date supplied it will use current date. Returned will be the user object with also with the exercise fields added.”
So should the returned data look like
‘_id’: ‘5f3aebbd81ddd701170d9bc4’,
‘description’: ‘legs’,
‘duration’: 60,
‘date’: '2020-08-17 ’
Where exercise is an array of objects. I like the second solution better since it’s scalable and easy to access the exact data you want, but it doesn’t pass the tests on FCC.