FeedBack for Tribute Page on Lebron James

Here is my tribute page guys! Feedback is welcome!

See the Pen Lebron James Tribute by Syed Hussain (@syedcbb) on CodePen.


It’s really nice! Keep going!

Nice! I like the videos, it adds a lot.

Awesome tribute to the king.

Two things I’d recommend trying are:

  1. Increase padding the content containers so that the content isn’t so close to the edges. It looks a bit nicer when the content is contained nicely.

  2. decrease the width/size of the videos so that they take up 60~80% of the container’s width on medium & large screens. For mobile screens, 100% width is fine.

Great job and keep it up!

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Thank you for the comments!!

Appreciate the Feedback!!! I will definitely try reducing the width of the videos.