Feedback for Tribute Page v1

I have completed my Tribute Page and I am looking for feedback on layout, design, colors etc. Thank you in advance.
Here is the link:

Hello @LindaSteed,


  • error

Element “head” is missing a required instance of child element “title”.

From line 6 to line 6:

<link href="myProject.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">

MDN documentation:
<title>: The Document Title element - HTML: HyperText Markup Language | MDN

Usage notes:
The <title> element is always used within a page’s <head> block.

  • info

Consider adding a “lang” attribute to the “html” start tag to declare the language of this document.


This is only a recomendation:

  • Don’t use id selectors in CSS (use class selectors)

Why shouldn't I use ID selectors in CSS? - Stack Overflow

Class selectors - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN

Cheers and happy codding :slight_smile:

Tools used:
[w3c markdown checker web service] (Service » Input » POST body · validator/validator Wiki · GitHub)


Hello @Diego_Perez. Thank you for your feedback. This is my first project for FCC. I will be using the code validation sites from now on. They will be helpful. Thanks again.

It looks really good! The only minor suggestion I would add would be to add a bit of padding below the photo and the line of text below.

You are welcome :slight_smile:

It was a good project to review, well done.

Cheers and happy coding.

Thank you @zakaos for you feedback. I have added a 20px padding to the top and it does look better, less crowed.