Feedback on Building a Pyramid Project

I am missing in every step explanation of WHY I shoul do the step I am asked to do. What will that change do. I do not understand why done was ==0, what that meant. Or why it had to be changed to done++. What does that mean/do explained in human language. This is causing me a hard time to get the code right.

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Hi there, I moved your comment to its own thread as it was placed in someone else’s post (usually we only respond to someone’s post when we want to answer their question and not to leave general feedback).

Btw. I :100: percent agree with your comment personally.

Welcome to the forum @zuzana.bariakova

Could you please post a specific issue you had with a step?

This way the forum can assist.

Write down the code you tried, the step number, and include a link to the step.

Let us know in your own words what the problem was, or what you found confusing.

Happy coding

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