Feedback on my Wikipedia Viewer - curious about article images

I finished this a few months ago, but spent the last couple months occasionally trying to solve one particular issue — to no avail. I’ve noticed there are some images on Wikipedia pages (for example, album covers) which show up on Wikipedia but don’t seem to be available through the API, perhaps for copyright reasons. I’m curious if anyone here has come up with a way to access and display these types of photos in their Wikipedia Viewer.

Thanks in advance for your feedback, critique, and suggestions!

Well done! Maybe some animations on the results but it looks nice. :]

As for your popup thing looking at your code
Any window opened up via code is considered a popup to browsers. You can circumnavigate this by having it open the link in the current tab. Not a new tab"","_self")

Good work mate! :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the heads up about the _self target. I forgot I had set my browser to accept pop-ups while I was using it to code these projects, so I never noticed that issue! :slight_smile:

I like it a lot. Well done! I like the way you had the search suggestions show up. This small feature made it so much better. One thing I would change is to make the image not show up if none are available instead of having is say no image available. In other words only show an image if there is one available with the article. Great Job! :smile:

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