Instead of doing the Voting App, I created StoryBoard, a fullstack MERN app where users can post and view user created stories, peoms, etc…
Github Repo
I spent 1 week and 1 day working on full time on this project. About 8 hours per day.
I feel like I should have worked harder, and done it in less than that time. Should a project like this less than 1 week finish?
Can’t really comment on the amount of time it took as this is way above my skill level.
Overall, I think the color scheme could be a little more vibrant, but that’s a personal opinion.
There’s some pretty good potential in this app as perhaps a micro-blogging platform or some other social tool. Good idea all around.
Cool. Thanks. I just chose the color scheme of another website and used that, tuning it its-int so hard.