Feedback please on portfolio project :D

Just finished my portfolio project and was wanting some feedback. :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance!

Hi @thatguyminib

Straightforward portfolio that does the job. I like it.

For some reason the Butterscoth shenanigan image has no link when I look at your portfolio on full screen. But once I resize I can click the link. Does that happen when you view the page too?

Thank you! @Magwit

Yeah, I couldn’t seem to figure out why though :confused:

Hi, I am almost done with my portfolio project, so I could not look at your code (girl scout lol).
I put below things I think a user would notice and hope this helps.

3 things I noticed while scrolling through:
Your active focus on the navbar does not change.
On large screen the top of your second page is part of the first page.
I think Codepen blocks direct link to webpages, so your social icons don’t open.

Lastly, I am kicking myself for not putting a title on each of my other pages. That looks really good.
Otherwise, I like it! Clean, simple and fun.

@Delinae Thank you very much! :smiley:

Good luck with the rest of yours!

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this looks pretty good!

so this is just nit picky, but does your “contact me” section actually work?
I’ve been seeing this a lot lately in the porfolio projects, and I can only assume its because the example portfolio had one. however, its not part of the user stories or requirements for you. Honestly, I would highly recommend taking it out if it doesn’t actually work.