Find Project Links - Personal Portfolio Webpage

I’m working on my Personal Portfolio Webpage project and step 5 it says;

  1. The projects section should contain at least one link to a project

I have searched the forums for an answer. I have checked my profile page and there are no links to my previous projects. And on the forums, everyone posts code from a website called Codepen? Should I have been using this resource all along? How did people know to use this source?

This is my first experience with coding and I am feeling very frustrated by what seems like a simple task but I can’t find the answer.

Thank you, everyone! I am enjoying learning a new skill!!


Just to clarify your question: you are saying that you have never worked on any webpage before this one so you have nothing to link to?
(if you have worked on any other web project before, you can simply link to it from your portfolio. The portfolio is used to showcase your previous projects, so that’s why that requirement is there.)

i am sorry but what is your question?

you dont have to you can just show your text

In my freecodecamp profile, I can see that I’ve done 4 out of the 5 projects. When I click on the Project Name link it just takes me to that specific lesson within freecodecamp.

If I click on the “View” dropdown these are the options I get. And when I clock those links, a window pops up displaying the code I sued or the projects but no URL is available.

This was in relation to CodePen and how most users on the forum seem to be using it to link their projects within the Personal Portfolio Website project. I can’t find a link to my projects anywhere else and I’m curious if I should be using this source as well?

it’s been a while since I completed the Responsive Web Design certificate here, but I recall that at the time, we were supposed to add a link to the webpage we made on code-pen (I can’t recall who introduced me to codepen but it was something or someone on freecodecamp). So if you don’t have your own webpage, you can definitely use codepen as it is free to host your code, however, I believe it is not private (anyone can see your code).


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