I am doing my “Portfolio Project” and I am trying to add some Font Awesome icons (Facebook, Twitter, GitHub, Mail, Phone )
I have linked them through <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://use.fontawesome.com/releases/v5.8.2/css/all.css"> as I did in my previous project where it worked. But I had different icons there.
In this project those icons are not showing up and all that is shown is squares.
I have them written in HTML like that:
I have tried to add some font-family and other settings in CSS recommended by Font Awesome but it wouldn’t work. I have also looked in DevTools at this project made by freeCodeCamp and I noticed they have ::before used with these icons, but I can’t figure out what exactly they’ve done with it.
I have even downloaded those icons from Font Awesome and have it in my VS Code as #all.css and #brands.css linked to the HTML file
I have also linked the same link they use in the freeCodeCamp example of the project.
I have tried many variations of typing fa like fab, fa-brands, etc.
I have even just copied the Font Awesome link from my previous project and then copied the code for the icon and it doesn’t work as well in my current project (in my previous project it all works)