freeCodeCamp Challenge Guide: Test if a String Contains a Substring

Test if a String Contains a Substring

Problem Explanation

To begin, locate the file “tests/1_unit_tests.js” and scroll to the suite of tests for ‘Strings’.

This file contains multiple suites of tests for the project, and this challenge requires you to make the tests in /** 14 */ pass.


Hint 1

Check the responses of the error messages if your tests fail, and make sure you understand the values of the parameters being checked by the assertion.

Hint 2

The lines in the test should be changed from to either assert.include() or assert.notInclude().

Hint 3

assert.include() and assert.notInclude() parameters take the form (haystack, needle, message) where the needle is what you are searching for in the haystack. The message provides feedback where there is an error.


Solution 1 (Click to Show/Hide)
/** 14 - #include (on #notInclude ) works for strings too !! **/
// It asserts that the actual string contains the expected substring
test('String #include, #notInclude', function() {
  assert.include('Arrow', 'row', "Arrow contains row...");
  assert.notInclude('dart', 'queue', "But a dart doesn't contain a queue");