Front End Development Libraries Projects - Build a JavaScript Calculator

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I am stuck on the last test

## 15. My calculator should have several decimal places of precision when it comes to rounding (note that there is no exact standard, but you should be able to handle calculations like “2 / 7” with reasonable precision to at least 4 decimal places)

i have tried toFixed() and toPrecision() method but it doesnot seem to work

Your code so far
thank you for your reply
is it due to repeating decimal(285714)
link to codepen

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Challenge: Front End Development Libraries Projects - Build a JavaScript Calculator

Link to the challenge:

I’m not sure how we can help you without seeing your code. Keep in mind that it says, “… to at least 4 decimal places”. You can have more precision than that, you just can’t have less, for example, you can’t round everything off to the nearest whole number.

I don’t understand why this isn’t working. When I look at the test code:

      it(`My calculator should have several decimal places of
      precision when it comes to rounding (note that there is no exact
      standard, but you should be able to handle calculations like "2 / 7" with
      reasonable precision to at least 4 decimal places)`, async function () {
        clickButtonsByIdWithDelay([_2, _div, _7, _eq], CLICK_DELAY);
        await timeout(DELAY);
          'The expression "2 / 7" should produce an output number with at ' +
            'least 4 decimal places of precision '

It looks like what you have should pass. When I log out what you are displaying there, it seems like it should pass.

Wait, it is trying to get the element with the id of “display”. When I inspect your DOM, I see this:

So, there might be a disconnect with how you’ve labeled your DOM elements and what the test is expecting.

thanks for all your help i was able to find the problem
the display was not showing the correct answer

the problem was the function i defined that does not allow multiple zero’s at the beggining

because of it when division that results in 0 at the start becomes empty string
and it shows error
thanks for your support

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