I almost finish this project but there are a few test that are failing, but the calculator is doing the calculations right, i dont see where is the problem.
example test 9: The expression 3 + 5 * 6 - 2 / 4 should produce 32.5 , in the calculator is produces the same result using formula logic, the same for test 12 and 14
(the test 13. If 2 or more operators are entered consecutively i havent implemented yet), but the others should pass, can anyone tellme whats wrong whith my project
hi thanks all test are passing now, i just have to implement the 13 test.
the problem was that is assume this User Story #15: My calculator should have several decimal places of precision when it comes to rounding (note that there is no exact standard, but you should be able to handle calculations like 2 / 7 with reasonable precision to at least 4 decimal places).
so i just use in the result (result.toFixed(4)). i remove that and now is working.