Front End Development Libraries Projects - Build a Random Quote Machine

Tell us what’s happening:

I have created the project and I can run it without any problem but when I copy code and put it in Pen it doesn’t pass the tests

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Front End Development Libraries Projects - Build a Random Quote Machine

If you are using react or any other framework library you’ll need to specify in the settings most likely in the JS file. Also set the preprocessor too, but Im not sure of the importance of this. Good luck

Please post a link to your Codepen.

It doesn’t work yet

I tried running this but its not rendering at all on Code Pen. From all the articles and info you dont need imports at all, just use settings to add React and React.Dom and remove the imports. Just type the first few letters in the search window.

Thanks a lot.
I did it, but it doesn’t work yet.

It is passing now, so I guess you fixed it. I will mark this as solved.

Yes I did. Thanks a lot.