Frontend developer on project with vue.js framework

Hello everyone!
Need developer who want to learn/practice in vue.js framework and join our team. Currently now we are a team of 3 developers. All details in private messages.

Hello AlexKhal,
I’m interested in learning Vue.js. What are you working on?

Richard Monastra

info about project sent )

Hi AlexKhal i have just started looking into Vue … have being converting my skeleton of the pomodoro clock project which i initially did in jquery over to using Vue … So far im liking vue and will be looking to learn it before react or angular … so i would be interested in finding out a bit more about what your working on

I’ve already worked with Vue.js 2 and want to find next project based on this framework

Still need people? If so let me know a general idea about what you are doing :slight_smile: I need a side project to work on, and I like Vue so might be fun.

Sorry, position closed.

If you expand to need more people for Vue2… I’d be interested.

topic up. Still need one more frontend dev to the team. We’ll teach everything, just need your time and desire to learn.
for details pls send a private message.

Strange things happens.
Still looking for a frontend dev. Project is interesting.

I’m interested, please send the details through!

I’m interested in it and waiting for more details in private message.

I’m absolutely interested in learning more.

Count me in on being interested. Finished the front end certification and looking to learn more.

I am interested. Consider me if u have any vacancy

Interested. I know a thing or two about Vue.