As of today I have completed all five of the front end library projects, and would certainly appreciate any and all feedback on them. I believe I will be using them to put on a portfolio for internships, and perhaps jobs, so I’d love criticism on the design or the code or anything.
Very nice! I bookmarked this so I can compare projects once mine are done.
Since you are going to use these in an professional application, I have 5 suggestions:
-The Drum Machine is failing 3 of the tests. I think you need to include an <audio> element inside of the buttons, and trigger it that way.
-Your Calculator is also failing 5 of the tests. I think if you assign the proper names (ie: id="add", subtract, multiply, etc) to the buttons this will fix some of the tests.
-The Pomodoro is failing some of the tests. I haven’t finished this project and can’t make any suggestions, other than check the errors & try to fix them.
-This is just a style suggestion. The Markdown Previewer is a bright red and pink; it’s kindof hard for me to look at. Maybe a calmer or neutral colour palette?
-This is an easy improvement. The Markdown Previewer is failing the optional test, but it’s very easy to use marked.setOptions to include the carriage returns.