Functional Programming - Use the map Method to Extract Data from an Array

Tell us what’s happening:
I was trying to write my solution similar to solution 1 with regular function instead of arrow function, but did not get the right result. The result that returned is an array of objects that contain only the title key pairs. I guess it failed because the return statement stopped once it found the key pairs. I can’t figure out how to get the right result with regular function. My question is: Is it possible to replace the arrow function in solution 1 with a regular function at all? If yes, how?

//provided solution 1

const ratings = => ({
title: item[“Title”],
rating: item[“imdbRating”]

//my solution
const ratings ={
return {“title”:element[“Title”],“rating”:element[“imbdRatings”]};
//return  [{“title”:“Inception”},{“title”:“Interstellar”},{“title”:“The Dark Knight”},{“title”:“Batman Begins”},{“title”:“Avatar”}]

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Challenge: Functional Programming - Use the map Method to Extract Data from an Array

Link to the challenge:

Hey there,

do I see typo here?

Was that it or is there another problem?

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