Recently, I’ve been on a streak to earn the Responsive Web Design Certification from freeCodeCamp. Ok, so I’m using Firefox on linux and when I try to submit my form for the landing page project using the url provided. Firefox keeps banning it for some reason and prevents unit tests from passing as a result.
Here is my codepen: https://codepen.io/moghir2004/pen/wvKXOXy?editors=1100
Wait - it looks like you’re trying to load FCC inside your codepen?
yeah ? but isn’t it allowed kinda? that’s how iframe works too and youtube iframe works too
iFrames are different than direct links. You can’t use CodePen as a web broswer, it won’t allow it (that’s why all your a
elements need target=_blank
The link that FCC provides for your submit button is a dead link. It doesn’t need to work.
The reason you’re not passing that last test is this error code:
The #email input should have a name attribute
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ah ok, thank you. That was odd because the unit tests never said anything but ok. Thanks again for your time
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