Help figuring out why password validation is failing

Hello, I’m currently practicing form validation with javascript. For some reason, I’m getting an error for the password input being empty, even though it isn’t. If anyone could take a look and point me in the right direction that would be great!

Here’s the code:

let fname = document.getElementById("fname").value
let fnameInput = document.getElementById("fname")
let fnameErrorMsg = document.getElementById('fname-error')
let lname = document.getElementById('lname').value
let lnameInput = document.getElementById('lname')
let lnameErrorMsg = document.getElementById('lname-error')
let email = document.getElementById('email').value
let emailInput = document.getElementById('email')
let emailErrorMsg = document.getElementById('email-error')
let pass = document.getElementById('pass').value
let passInput = document.getElementById('pass')
let passErrorMsg = document.getElementById('pass-error')

validateForm = () => {

    if (fname == "" || fname == null || fname.length == 0) { = "flex"; = "1px solid hsl(0, 100%, 74%)";
    } else {

    if (lname == "" || lname == null || lname.length == 0) { = "flex" = "1px solid hsl(0, 100%, 74%)";
    }  else {

    if (email == '' || email == null || email.length == 0) { = "flex" = "1px solid hsl(0, 100%, 74%)";
    }   else {

    if (pass == '' || pass == null || pass.length == 0) { = "flex" = "1px solid hsl(0, 100%, 74%)";
    } else {
 <form id="form" action="submit">
        <!-- Form input 1 -->
          <label for="fname" class="label">First Name</label>
          <input type="text" id="fname" placeholder="First Name">
          <p id="fname-error" class="error">First Name cannot be empty</p>
        <!-- Form input 2 -->
          <label for="lname" class="label">lastName Name</label>
          <input type="text" id="lname" placeholder="Last Name">
          <p id="lname-error" class="error">Last Name cannot be empty</p>
        <!-- Form input 3 -->
          <label for="email" class="label">Email</label>
          <input type="email" id="email" placeholder="Email Address"> 
          <p id="email-error" class="error">Looks like this is not an email</p>
        <!-- Form input 4 -->
          <label for="pass" class="label">password</label>
          <input type="password" minlength="4" id="pass" placeholder="Password">
          <p id="pass-error" class="error">password cannot be empty</p>
          <button type="submit" onClick="validateForm()" class="submit">Claim your free trial </button>

EDIT: Any general feedback about code quality is also appreciated!

When I tested your code I always get invalid fields. That is because all your variables are set while the fields are all empty because they are called at the start of the script and never called again. Try putting them inside your validateForm() function and see what happens. Another thing to look into is what happens if you input an invalid field and then fix it. :slightly_smiling_face:

Ahh that makes sense. Thanks! I’ll look at getting the border right based on the input too