Hi there,
I have been working on HTML and CSS for a while now with the company i work for and our Javascript dude has just left and they think i can learn as i go on it
I’m not doing too bad, but I’ve hit a wall with something that the previous developer did that isn’t working (its a file upload button) and have spent ages trying to rectify it.
I have a screenshot attached of the HTML, CSS and Javascript from playing around in JSFiddle, and at the bottom you can see what the button looks. The upload functionality isn’t working.
I get the feeling that the issue is in the HTML with…
id="attachLink" onclick="jQuery('#formAttachment :file').click();"
Although correct me if I’m wrong!
I hope someone can help.
I think a link might be available here - https://jsfiddle.net/joolz/v5zfnx8f/#&togetherjs=RvbFaH4eC9