Help ! I'm stuck in step 31

Step 31

Nest the select element (with its option elements) within a label element with the text How did you hear about us?. The text should come before the select element.

        <label>Upload a profile picture: <input type="file" /></label>
       <label>Input your age (years): <input type="number" min="13" max="120" />
       How did your hear about us?<select></select></label>

Please provide link to the task.

You were not supposed to change this part.

You need to nest in label this chunk:


You mean like this?

          <label>How did you hear about us?</label>


the whole select element should be inside the label

Finally :sweat_smile:

  <label>How did you hear about us?<select>

Thanks mate !!!
Are you a programmer?

I am learning just like you are, I just started a bit earlier I guess.

oh that’s great, I’m just starting learning too…
can we just exchange our contact each other…
just send me your contact to my email :

So, we can share our learning journey together :laughing:

Don’t share email here.
It’s scrapable by bots.
It may lead to your email will be spammed quite a bit.

so, how can we contact to each other?
i just need some friend to grow together and be expert in programming

Can use personal messages here on this forum if you wish.

But, in general, if you have some questions about code, just create a thread here. Somebody will help, not just me.

I am open to communication, but be aware:
I am learning like a bunch of stuff simultaneously, so I may be not available often

oh oke that’s fine,
so thanks again…

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