Help! I'm trying to write some code for what seems like a very simple problem and i keep almost getting there but there's always an issue

I’m not sure if this is the place i can extrapolate my problem (just joined the site) so here it is.
As you can see I’ve just started a BA of IT in Games Design and Development this im my first coding Assignment and it’s gotta be by tomorrow night which would be fine except for mainly the whole finding the “E”(can do that) but it’s putting it into a sentence and replying True or False.
This is the code I’ve got so far:-

print("ZAT113 Programming Principles Task 1")       # Printing 'ZAT113 Programming Princpiles Task 1' to the screen.
# Ian Murray 709001                         # Creating a comment line with name and student number
favourite_colour = "blue"                   # Creating variable called favoriate_colour
print (favourite_colour)                    # Printing the variable for mt favoriate colour
number_units = 3                         # Create a variable for the number of units I'm enroled in semester 1
first_name = input("What's your first name: ")      # Creating 2 variables, first_name and last_name 
last_name = input("Whats's your last name: ")       #   using the input funtion to collect the values using user prompts
print(last_name.upper())                    # Using a String method to print out a string variable in uppercase
print(len(first_name))                      # Number of characters in first name
welcome_message = f'Welcome {first_name.upper()} {last_name.upper()} to our little python session. '    # Setting the variable fprint embeded

From this point i need code to find if the letter ‘E’ or’ e’ is in the variable first_name (upper or lower case) and get a True or False value ‘Boolean’ at the end of the sentence in the var=welcome_message.

After that i need to add another input asking for their height in cm then output that to sentence saying “You are 1.6 meters tall,” so by dividing the by 100 by using a. fstring format

Screenshot of IDLE Python

Thanks everyone for and help you can give.
I’ve got no doubt there’s probably thousands of people here that could spit it out in a few minutes :slight_smile: lol


I’ve edited your code for readability. When you enter a code block into a forum post, please precede it with a separate line of three backticks and follow it with a separate line of three backticks to make it easier to read.

You can also use the “preformatted text” tool in the editor (</>) to add backticks around text.

See this post to find the backtick on your keyboard.
Note: Backticks (`) are not single quotes (').

let’s start from the first thing here, how can you check if a letter is in a string? there are many different methods possible

Hi, i don’t know your time zone, (I’m in Australia (UTC +10.00 Brisbane)) but if you could help me a bit more with the code problem I’ve got it would be great . I’m not really sure how to navigate this website and I’ve only got till 11.59pm tonight to get this assignment submitted and it’s the difference between a credit and high distinction. Your reply only talks about how my request was formatted and not the solution, i need some help with the code. I’m really not sure how to move forward with the website usage or the code. I do have experience with coding but not python, it seems closer to Excel than anything else I’ve done. Any help would be appreciated.


I’m clearly not getting the structure of this site. All I’m seeing is “let’s start from the first thing here, how can you check if a letter is in a string? there are many different methods possible”, where’s the rest of the that sentence? Where do i have to click, what icon to see all the way’s it can be done?

I am asking you what methods you know on how to do that

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