Can someone help me please?
My New Quote button is not functioning, when I click it. Its not changing randomly.
Here is my link:-
Thanks in advance.
Can someone help me please?
My New Quote button is not functioning, when I click it. Its not changing randomly.
Here is my link:-
Thanks in advance.
You need to include the jQuery library in your project in order to be able to use jQuery in your code. Click on the little gear icon next to “JS” at the top of the javascript editor, under Add Packages search for jQuery and then click on jQuery 3.6.0 to add it.
You may also want to include a target="_blank"
on your tweet button to open in a new tab. It still won’t work but it will prevent the 404 error code that stops the program.
Thanks for the bbsmooth. Can you show me an example please. Would appreciate very much.
Can you show me an example please how to where to insert the target="_blank" please.
Would appreciate it very much.
Just follow the directions I gave you above. That’s as simple as I can make it.
<a target="_blank" id= "tweet-quote" href="" className="button">
Here’s how to import jQuery:
Click settings:
Go to JS:
Search up jQuery and select the first option (jQuery). This should import it behind the scenes. This is the same things as linking it within the head of the document.
With jQuery selected your JS will now work:
Also, I like the idea behind your quote page.
Thank very much. Really appreciated it michaelnicol. It 12:23 am in Trinidad so i will try it tomorrow and reply my progress.
Thanks very much for your help michaelnicol the random quote machine is now functional.
Thanks very much for your help the random quote machine is now functional.
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